I happily admit to wandering about the bridal blog circuit on a daily basis- on the constant prowl for both inspiration and a smattering of pretty things to make me smile. Still, on occasion (or pretty much everyday) I am led to wonder, how do all of these people pay for this? The food looks five star, the venue is lit like Christmas, the altar draped in flowers, all designed by a top-dollar planner and shot by photographers who have the prowess to make everything look possibly better than it did in reality (and receive paychecks to match). Now, thank goodness I am marrying into a family of photographers, and am a member of a religion that graciously provides gorgeous marriage locations free of rental fees, but even I have to sigh. When I email a discount bridal retailer for a bridesmaid dress quote and it comes back as $500 I can't help but cringe at this industry. And yet another side of me wonders if the old adage, "You get what you pay for" is really true.
Of course, there's also the adage, "The best things in life are free..."
The major wedding planning month is almost upon us, so I suppose time will only tell. Advice?