Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentines Day!!!

Well since valentines day was on a Sunday Kristin and I decided to celebrate on presidents day since we both had the day off. We started the day off in the most romantic way i could imagine..........meeting with my insurance agent and talking about rental and car insurance. well that pretty much tapped me out for romantic ideas so since we were in Huntington Beach we figured we would go visit the spot where we had our first kiss and became an "Official Couple".(see pictures below)

Okay so the sun was in our eyes on the first picture and i was taking the picture so that's my excuses for the bad picture.

After the beach we were getting a little hungry so after making many wrong turns we decided to stop at the very next place we saw. it ended up being Hong Kong Palace in Rowland Hights. now this place was amazing! First we were the only white people in there(always a good sign) second the Dim Sum was amazing! So thus ended our Valentines Day Adventure. (as a disclaimer i did not proof read this so i hold no responsibility for bad grammar and miss spellings)